let's build something

Scaffold Engineering Inc

When we first met with Scaffold Engineering Inc., we heard a problem we repeatedly encounter: they had been trying to get started on marketing, but the agency they were working with took too long to respond and relied too much on them to complete deliverables. Working only with architects, engineers, and construction companies, we understand that you don’t have time to write a novel about your brand. However, if a company is going to do that for you, they must be knowledgeable enough to understand the intricacies of terminology like shoring and finite element analysis. Enter Nover.

/ timeline

We built and launched the SEI site in less than 8 weeks, leveraging our technical expertise in the industry to get the project across the finish line without needing to bother the busy team too often.

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See more of our work.

branding, crm, email, lead generation, social, strategy, website

/ Little Home Builder

branding, website

/ Oaks Brothers Inc

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